October, 3rd, 2019, a Thursday – Day of German Unification / Tag der Deutschen Einheit

Weitermachen! Continue. Visiting Herbert Marcuse, Gottlieb Fichte, who rests next to Hegel and not far from Brecht & Heinrich Mann. Marcuse, who fled 1933 from Hitler and emigrated to the US was the father figure of the American student movement against the Vietnam War and declared public enemy no. 2 after the drug guru Timothy Leary by the then California Governor Ronald Reagan – and a fan of Hegel. A lot of intellectuals in one place, reminding me how important thinking is and writing coherent texts, inspiring others for centuries. Without thought, how shall we know what to do? 

#agitation #tagderdeutscheneinheit #theory #protest #weitermachen #herbertmarcuse #johanngottliebfichte #hegel #bertholdbrecht#grab #rip #gedanken #worte #werke #berlin #dorotheenstädtischerfriedhof 

@ Dorotheenstadt cemetery

Police „protecting“ a demonstration of the extreme right wing WfD (Wir für Deutschland) in Berlin during the Tag der deutschen Einheit / Day of German Unification. Reichsbürger & Co. who are not just „populists“. Awaiting them, the great Rainald Grebe in concert. Left wing anti-fa demos are accompanying the trail of a few hundred, shouting and protesting against the shameless display of extreme rightwing nationalism. Interesting. Not to be missed. 

#antifa #demonstration #police #berlin #rainaldgrebe #friedrichstrasse #wfd #propaganda #polizei #deeskalation #eskalation #toleranz #theclash #opinion #intoleranz #gegenrechts #Berlingegennazis 

@ Berlin, Germany