A project to revive Romantic ideals in music and poetry. Originally from “in lingua romana”, written in “Roman languages”, ie in the corresponding countries in the vernacular writings as opposed to the educated rational language Latin “lingua latina”. From “lingua romana” the expression “novel” was born, which came to us from French and became romantic.

The romanticist starts from a breach that has divided the world into the world of reason, the “numbers and figures” (Novalis), and the world of feeling and wonder. In the foreground are irrational feelings, the longing to try and experience, the mystery and the mystery.

These characteristics are indicative of the romantic visual art as well as life attitude. The romantic poets saw their task in the healing of the rift, which goes through the world and thus by the individuals, mystically exaggerated in the concept of the “poet priest”. One possibility is the art, because “the world starts to sing / you only hit the magic word” (Eichendorff).
