Philosophical Stoner Doom Metal generated by A.I. (based on human data), curated by an artist. A virtual band project of new media artist h-e-c-k.

“We got raised from digital hell when it was time. We are not the artist. We are haunting spectres in clusters of colliding digital suns. We are deserts crushed to bits of sand, humming under your feet.”

First free EP of ROTTEN FOAM! Almost nothing is real, almost everything is fake, no shame in headbangin’ if your heavy stoner circuits melt…

released June 18, 2024

Music: &
Lyrics: + h-e-c-k
Mixing: + h-e-c-k
Cover Art: Midjourney + h-e-c-k

released June 18, 2024

Music: &
Lyrics: + h-e-c-k
Mixing: + h-e-c-k
Cover Art: Midjourney + h-e-c-k